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3D Layers

3D Layers

Upload 3D models in Vizcom and sketch over them to quickly validate your ideas with a high-quality render.

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Sometimes in the design process, when you already have a base 3D model, it is nice sketch over that volume and create renderings, precisely on top of the package.

In Vizcom, with the 3D layers feature, you have the option to upload your 3D models, set the preferred view, sketch over your model and create coherent renderings.

This is all possible with the help of the 2 mediums on top of each other (3D Model + sketch).

This way you can quickly visualize ideas in 3D.

Where to find 3D Layers

  1. Open a new drawing file

  2. At the right toolbar select the “Layers” tab and click on the "3D Layer" icon

How to use 3D layers

  1. Select a 3D model, that you want to work with

    • You can use template models

    • or you can upload your own 3D models too, in (.stl, .glb, .obj…) formats

    1. Set up the drawing view of the model

    • Position the model by clicking and dragging, or you can use the sliders for fine control

    • Click on “Add to canvas” - (it will become a .png layer)

  1. Create a sketch over the volume

  • Create a new layer [N] to make the sketch as a separate instance (useful if you want to create more sketches later on the same view

  • Use the brush tool [B], with visible color, to sketch over the volume

  1. Create a rendering

  • Write a prompt for your render

  • Try leaving the drawing influence at 100%

  • Click generate to see the results.


  • You can hide the 3D layer and create a rendering of your sketch if the results are too messy

  • Also, you can create renderings of the 3D models, without having to sketch, but you have to keep in mind, that Vizcom only senses the sharper lines, and the rest will be completed, according to your prompt.

You can see the whole model collection under: "more"

  • and can also Remove the unwanted models by clicking on the 3 dot icon

  • Upload 3D models any time, by dragging and dropping on the canvas

Other examples