Getting started

File Sharing

File Sharing

Share and collaborate on files with others by quickly copying the file link. Feel secure with specific access and permissions settings.

Share files

Share files with others by sharing a link.

  • Share a link: Each file has a unique URL. Copy this link and send it to collaborators.

Copy link

Click Copy link in the share modal to add the link to your clipboard.

You can also link directly to a file from within the workspace by clicking the … menu on a file and navigating to Copy link

👋 Note: If you are editing a sketch block in 2D Studio and click Share, the link will take people directly to 2D Studio. If you are creating in Workbench and you click Share, the link will take people to Workbench.

Set file access

Files have access levels. Access determines who can access the file:

  • Anyone with link: Anyone, even those outside of your workspace, will be able to access this file. A person’s role type in your workspace determines what level of permissions they have per file. Anyone who accesses the file from within your workspace will adopt the role permissions they have in the workspace. Anyone who accesses the file from outside of your workspace will have view-only access.

    • Scenario 1: John is an editor in your workspace. You copy a file link with ‘anyone with link’ access settings. John uses this link to access your file. Because John is an editor in your workspace, he can edit your file.

    • Scenario 2: Sarah is not in your workspace and has never used Vizcom before. You send her a link to your file with access set to ‘anyone with a link’. Sarah can only view your file. She cannot make any edits. If you would like Sarah to make edits, you can invite her to your workspace and set her role to ‘editor’.

Global access settings

Admin in a workspace can toggle public sharing OFF for the entire workspace.

