

Does Vizcom use my uploads and generated images?

Does Vizcom use my uploads and generated images?

Learn about licensing differences between free and paid plans.

👋 Free users on the Starter plan grant Vizcom a non-exclusive license to use user content and designers to improve services.

Free Users: If you are a free user on the Vizcom Starter plan, you retain the copyright over the content you upload, with Vizcom holding a non-exclusive, royalty-free, and fully paid, worldwide license to use your user content and designs for operating, promoting, and improving Vizcom. However, this license expires if you delete your content or account. Free users grant this license to enhance Vizcom's services, but you maintain ownership of your content and designs.

👋 Paid users on the Professional, Organization, and Enterprise plans grant Vizcom a limited license to use user content and designs only for the purpose of delivering services.

Paid Users: If you are a subscribed to Vizcom Professional, Organization, or Enterprise, you retain full ownership rights over both the uploaded content and the designs generated using Vizcom. As a paid user, you grant Vizcom a limited, revocable, non-exclusive license solely for the purpose of delivering the paid services. Paid plans ensure a greater level of control and ownership over your content and designs.

This includes those trialing a paid plan.